You can still get free entrance passes Thursday, Friday and Saturday presentations of The Embassy. They are available in the Kana Theatre. Number of places is limited. Only four people can enter the embassy at one time!
The Embassy is an action constructed each time anew in a building adapted specifically for that purpose. It is a kind of Kafkaesque thriller about seeking asylum outside the oppressive reality. The situation of spectators resembles the fate of millions of immigrants fleeing war, famine, but also personal misfortunes. The key to freedom is available via the Internet: on the you will find an application to fill it in. You will have to confess your most intimate secrets – in fact it is a form of self-denunciation. Then follows a night encounter with a mysterious envoy of a diplomatic facility in a cafeteria, and an anxious driving through the empty city. Walking through halls and corridors we encounter a people whose fate shows a complex nature of the modern world. But it is also a mirror of our confusion and loneliness. An asylum becomes an illusion.