

Independent Theatrical Centre established by Zygmunt Duczyński, realizing various artistic, cultural, educative and scientific activities. It organizes annually about 130 cultural events directed to habitants of Szczecin and the region, as well as building international network of cooperation between European art centres. The most important projects of the Kana Theatrical Centre include: The International Festival – Bonds of Culture (theatrical/musical festival of open character, organized in Szczecin since 1999, promoting various forms and currents of European and global art and traditions of various cultures), The International Theatrical Meetings OKNO (project presenting most interesting results of quest undertaken in the realm of alternative theatre, being at the same time a forum of exchange of experience of practitioners of theatre), The Quest For Identity of the Place (individual project combining research, artistic, documentary and promotional activities related to history and the present day of Szczecin). The Kana Thatrical Centre is also one of the organizers of The All-Polish Review of the Small Theatre Forms KONTRAPUNKT in Szczecin and other cultural events important to the city and the region. The Centre is also a base of various projects: cultural (among others, Around Tradition, Offenes Berlin, The Parallel Stage), educational (Art as Drug, The University of Theatrical Quests) and artistic, accomplished be artists associated with it.



author: Eirik Brenne Torsethaugen

TAG is an independent foundation and a programming theatre and coproduction house. It is funded by the Ministry of Culture, the Municipalities in Trondheim and the country authorities of SørTrøndelag. Founded in 1984 and has since been an important part of the Norwegian and international independent and experimental performing arts scene. In seasonal programs and yearly in september organized Bastard Festival, TAG presents interdisciplinary productions and has educational seminars, workshops and discussion meetings. In 2009 TAG cooperated with the Polish Dance Theatre in coproducing the project Winter, which played both in Poznan and Trondheim. In 2011 TAG presented 69 different productions, altogether 374 performances both in their venue and on tour were shown. Since 2008 TAG and The Kana Theatrical Centre has been in close contact, starting from the project Lasztownia – Lastadie Searching for the identity of the place and continuing with programming actions and consultations.